Relive Jewish History in Norfolk with
Norfolk, Virginia: A Jewish History
of the 20th Century . . .
. . . when the chief Rebbe settled disputes between Orthodox businessmen on Church Street, and the dynamic orator of the “German”-Jewish congregation spoke Front cover.out on the anti-Semitism of Henry Ford and the K.K.K.!
. . . when Lithuanian immigrants spoke Yiddish and read Yiddish newspapers and lived atop their stores, while the descendants of earlier German-Jewish immigrants attended non-Hebrew services that for many years had no Bar Mitzvah, and the process of uniting the two largely separate groups was but a distant dream!
. . . when a Jewish “mayor” controlled local elections, and Jews dominated City Council seats in heavily Jewish wards!
. . . when a Jewish hospital competed with a Protestant hospital!
. . . when an entire strip of Kosher meat markets served the community, and a Jewish-owned grocery was on almost every corner, including segregated Black sections!
Front cover.. . . when blue laws required some Orthodox businesses to open on Sundays and close on Saturdays!
. . . when communities came together for the relief of pogrom victims and contributed to Hoover’s post-World War One war relief!
. . . when the local newspaper editor (Jewish) won a Pulitzer for helping to bring an end to lynching in the South!
. . . when supporting Zionism and advocating for a “Jewish” Community Center were still divisive issues among the Jewish community!
. . . and much much more!!!