Heroic Life Biography-Writing Software


Created by the Biography Writer of ShortBios, “BioBuilder” Heroic Life Biography-Writing Software is a downloadable program of Do‑It‑Yourself Guidance, Questionnaires, Templates & More for writing biographies of any size, from short bios and business profiles to complete, detailed life histories.

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An extraordinarily powerful, yet easy, way to create bios for yourself and others — short bios as well as long ones — the BioBuilder was written to make it easier for anyone to preserve their life history or that of their loved ones, or to honor the lives of their heroes, or just to promote their experience and skills for business or personal use.

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With its detailed guidance, extensive questionnaires, and broad templates, BioBuilder enables you to write every kind of biography, from the simplest short business profiles for promoting yourself in marketing, author bios, About pages, and more to autobiographies, complex personal histories and family histories, and historical bios of your heroes.

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In fact, BioBuilder has everything you need, at your fingertips, to write your bio, including not only bio templates for short profiles but also detailed advice and guidance and a host of helpful questionnaires to make it easy to collect all the information you’ll ever need for any bio you want to write, now or in the future, from shortest bio to longest bio. [more]

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“BioBuilder” Heroic Life  Biography-Writing Software

 Do-it-yourself, Downloadable Guidance, Questionnaires, Templates & More

The “BioBuilder” Heroic Life Biography-Writing Software (just $9) is a downloadable do-it-yourself program for writing biographies of any size, from short bios and business profiles to complete, detailed life histories.


An extraordinarily powerful, yet easy, way to create bios for yourself and BioBuilder Heroic Life Biography-Writing Softwareothers — short bios as well as long ones — the BioBuilder was written to make it easier for anyone to preserve their life history or that of their loved ones, or to honor the lives of their heroes, or just to promote their experience and skills for business or personal use.


With its detailed guidance, extensive questionnaires, and broad templates, BioBuilder Heroic Life Biography-Writing SoftwareBioBuilder enables you to write every kind of biography, from the simplest short business profiles for promoting yourself in marketing, author bios, About pages, and more to autobiographies, complex personal histories and family histories, and historical bios of your heroes.

In fact, BioBuilder has everything you need, at your fingertips, to write your bio, including not only bio templates for short profiles but also detailed advice and guidance and a host of helpful questionnaires to make it easy to collect all the information you’ll ever need for any bio you want to write, now or in the future, from shortest bio to longest bio.


For detailed biographies of any length, BioBuilder provides literally BioBuilder Heroic Life Biography-Writing Softwarehundreds of ideas and questions to bring out the most comprehensive, memorable, and meaningful life story. And for shorter bios (e.g., half page, one page, and two pages), BioBuilder enables you to put together a basic biographical sketch of the personal history of your occupation(s), pastimes, projects and/or accomplishments. It contains not only a variety of types of interchangeable fill-in-the-blanks bio templates, adaptable for almost any occupations, backgrounds, or interests as well as extensive questionnaires to help you record all the information you’ll need for your bios. The BioBuilder also includes detailed explanations of all the elements of a great bio, along with useful tips for writing your bio.

BioBuilder‘s easy-to-use selection of short bio questionnaires, templates and template “segments” can be adapted for almost anyone, including actors, athletes, consultants, coaches, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, musicians, realtors, and more. And you can easily choose the templates for your bio that are ideally suited to your particular needs, by “mixing and matching” the best components of a variety of types of bios.


BioBuilder Heroic Life Biography-Writing SoftwareBioBuilder‘s Fill-in-the-blanks Bio Templates make it easy for you to create your bio, whether you need a short bio or profile • to apply for a job • to use in marketing material • to place below your writing • to record for posterity • or for just about any purpose of promoting yourself • or just for tooting your horn. This is the easiest, quickest and least expensive way to create a bio that you’ll be proud of.


For writing your autobiography or just a short personal profile for business, BioBuilder is a great way to put your life in perspective and begin to comprehend the hero journey(s) that you are on. Indeed BioBuilder Heroic Life Biography-Writing Software“…the act of writing a bio is also one of the best things anyone can do for oneself—for one’s psychological well being as well as for professional, social, or familial purposes. You might even say it’s therapeutic, because the process of bio-writing involves self-examination. And if you think your life is pretty dull and unimportant, then you need especially to start answering the questions in the Questions section of BioBuilder. You’ll begin to see how all the seemingly minor and trivial experiences of your life—your everyday life—are teaching you lessons and developing skills that employers, friends and family value.”