StoryCraft New Edition


StoryCraft New Edition is a luxurious standalone software program with powerful interfaces and interactive features that greatly expand the StoryCraft Classic story-writing system originally developed by Jarvis and Berent more than two decades ago. Offering innovative, as-you-write guidance for character and story development for writing perfectly developed stories of any type or genre, StoryCraft New Edition continues the StoryCraft tradition of providing beginner as well as professional writers with the leading tool for story creation based on the Hero’s Journey pattern and Jarvis Method. ( more )

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This is a perpetual, lifetime license! So there’s NO annual subscription fee. This license includes installers for both Mac and Windows.

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To order StoryCraft New Edition Software (just $39),
click the “Buy Now” button above.


Selected Screenshots from StoryCraft New Edition  Software

StoryCraft New Edition  turns you into a master story-teller, taking all the story ideas dancing in your head and transforming them into fully-developed short stories, novels, and screenplays.  Writing any kind of story, developing its plot and describing all its characters is a true joy with all the tools that StoryCraft  provides at your fingertips.

From the “Characters” Section, including Locations:

From the “Stories” Section, including the Story Clock:

From the “Write” Section, including Step Beats:

StoryCraft  is also Ideal for Homeschooling and Other Educational Uses

Designed for users at any level of expertise from most basic beginner to professional, StoryCraft  uses clear, easy-to-understand language to present a systematic overview of the entire fiction-writing process from start to finish. This makes it an excellent tool for writing as well as for learning the craft of writing, and it is therefore also ideal for homeschoolers and other students of writing and fiction. StoryCraft  illustrates and illuminates every stage in the process of story writing by using detailed examples from A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens’s literary classic that is one of the most beloved and entertaining works of literature ever written and the perfect illustration of writing in the Hero Journey pattern.

     In addition, StoryCraft  contains a complete curriculum and student guide to using the software and fully understanding the Jarvis Method created by StoryCraft  co-creator John Jarvis, guru extraordinaire of the crafts of novel-writing and screenwriting.

And it is Therapeutic too!

While professional writers use StoryCraft  to develop novels & screenplays, anyone can use it just for the pure joy of expressing yourself through your own non-judgmental creative imagination.  And whether you write for publication or just for self-expression, the software can even be used to create stories based on your life for resolving traumas and other life issues.
In fact, you can use StoryCraft for therapy too, as it gives you the freedom to delve into any traumas or challenges you have faced in your life — even making up characters and situations that may mirror your own experiences while giving you the emotional distance of “just being a story” — to see yourself as a hero on a journey.